Monday, September 27, 2010
Mac's Debut
Drum rollllllllll please. It is my pleasure to introduce you to our awesome labrador retriever Mac Lorenz. He is spoiled as spoiled can be! Mac joined our family in October 2000 at only 8 weeks old. We had the first pick of the litter and after careful consideration of all the pups we knew without a doubt he was the one for us. He was the cutest little pudge! I can't believe he is considered a senior citizen oops I mean dog.
He may be old in years but he is definitely young at heart. At 10 years young we still go out and play fetch every day. He goes crazy over a tennis ball. It's his favorite thing in the world with tummy and hip rubs coming in a close second.
Mac has many nicknames. You may see him around the blog referred to as Mac, Mac-er-doo, Scooby, Scooby Doo, Doo, Fruitcake, or Lovey Baby. And don't be surprised if we come up with some new ones along the way.
Monday's with Mac will be featuring stories and/or pictures of Mac with homemade dog treat recipes. I figure I cook for us to try to avoid as many bad chemicals and crappy stuff in processed food I might as well learn how to make Mac some better for him treats as well. So if you have any great treat recipes your dogs love please send me your recipes to try! Mac will love you!
I can't believe Mac is 10! Time flys by so fast, even here in the "slow lane" of NE Oklahoma! He is going to love taste testing all the dog treat recipes!
Time does fly! Now that the cat's out of the bag Mac is chomping at the bit for some treats :-)!